Reimagine Risk Tolerance Assessment

Find out what is beyond traditional RTQ

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Client Success Stories
  • Risk tolerance for two members of the household

Getting an accurate read of an investor’s risk tolerance is an important first step, yet most risk tolerance tools have significant flaws. We have a real, solid risk tolerance assessment. No gimmick.

Risk Tolerance 2
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Why Is Risk Tolerance Questionnaire Not Enough?

Many advisors use a traditional Risk Tolerance Questionnaire (RTQ), such as the Grable & Lytton risk assessment.

However, using RTQ may get you to a reasonable ballpark but it is not enough, because it has serious limitations.

  • It often doesn’t explicitly state that investors can lose money and how much.
  • It is often mixed with other things, such as time horizon, and behavioral biases.
  • It doesn’t directly map to advisor’s models.

Reimagine Risk Tolerance Assessment

Most risk tolerance tools are cookie-cutter solutions, but our Risk Tolerance Test allows you to plug in your own models, so the result maps directly one of your models. It is the most intuitive, direct and defensible approach.

To ensure accuracy, it is cross-validated with a traditional risk tolerance questionnaire.

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An illustration depicting a scale with one end showing the potential benefits (upside) of higher risk tolerance, and the other end showing the potential drawbacks (downside) of lower risk tolerance in investment decision-making.

Stand Out With Us

Our Risk Tolerance Test

  • Customizable for each firm & client
  • Fully compliant with SEC marketing rule
  • Transparent methodology that makes sense

Other Risk Tools

  • Not customizable for each firm
  • Most are not compliant with SEC marketing rule
  • Opaque and questionable methodologies

Lead Generation

Plug it in your website to turn visitors into leads. Use it in your email signatures, and add a QR code on your business card or social media. Furthermore, each advisor at the firm can get their own lead generation link.

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What If I Want A Risk Score of 0-100?

It is satisfying to have a risk scale of 0-100. It can be easily obtained by multiplying volatility (standard deviation) by five.

Using this simple algorithm, you will find that the risk score is usually close to the percentage of equity in the asset allocation. For example, the risk score of the 60/40 portfolio is close to 60.

This article explains in detail.

This is much more than a risk profiling system.

This is truly a holistic risk profiling approach, grounding the entire client onboarding process with long term value.

David MauriceDavid Maurice, CIO & VP, Worthwhile Wealth Council

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