Explore the transformative capabilities of Andes Wealth Technologies in revamping the onboarding process for investment advisors as expertly analyzed by Bob Veres, a renowned thought leader in the wealth management industry.

The Andes Wealth instrument goes beyond traditional risk tolerance measurements to provide a deeper look at a client’s investment preferences, and facilitate a deeper conversation about the right portfolio recommendation.” Bob wrote.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

  • Andes allows advisors to effectively ‘smart up’ the process,  by getting to know what they’re dealing with in a prospect fairly quickly, and facilitating an adult investment conversation that helps prospects recognize your sophistication. Perhaps most importantly, it is not a marketing tool. Advisors can use Andes to close a higher percentage of prospects through that investment conversation. But the key difference is that the Andes portfolio decision-making process is defensible in court as an actual assessment of what the client wants, needs and can tolerate in difficult markets.
  • The primary goal is to get to know the client’s investment profile at a fairly deep level, engage in a meaningful conversation about investing and get the client’s direct input on which portfolio will be optimal. The secondary (but still important) goal is to leverage this conversation to maximize the chances of closing the prospect. And a third goal (definitely not unimportant) is to protect your firm with a defensible process for making portfolio recommendations.
  • The process takes literally five minutes altogether, which undoubtedly results in a higher completion percentage. One interesting note is that, unlike many of the instruments in the fintech world, Andes will collect risk profiles of two members of a household, ensuring that one spouse’s preference isn’t drowned out by the other’s.
  • Andes allows advisors to cover the investment waterfront in minutes rather than hours, and have a richer, deeper investment conversation than might otherwise be possible.

Bob Veres highlights Andes Wealth Technologies as a pioneering tool that not only deepens client engagements but also supports advisors in making defensible, personalized portfolio recommendations that resonate with clients’ unique investment needs and preferences. Check out the full article by Bob Veres in Inside Information here.